Итоги конкурса технических проектов
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- Written by Добрый Админ
- Category: Новости
Наконец-то мы можем опубликовать итоги конкурса технических проектов, который проводился в рамках проекта "Моделирование и программирование для всех" при поддержке "Движения первых". На конкурс поступило 153 заявки со всей Свердловской области и нескольких других регионов. Общее количество участников - более 200.
Самой популярной стала номинация "Технический проект с программированием микроконтроллерных устройств. Чтобы оценить все проекты по достоинству, здесь количество возрастных категорий было увеличено до четырёх: до 8 лет, 9-10 лет, 11-12 лет и от 13 и старше. В категории "Технический проект без программирования" заявок тоже много, там возрастных категорий стало три.
Хороших проектов очень много, поэтому, дипломы будут не за 1-2-3 место, а 1-2-3 степени: в большинстве категорий по 2 диплома второй и третьей степени, а в некоторых даже первой степени по два, так как очень трудно было однозначно выбрать лучший проект.
- Hits: 4500
Конкурс технических проектов
- Details
- Written by Добрый Админ
- Category: Новости
Приглашаем всех желающих участвовать в нашем осеннем открытом конкурсе технических проектов.
Конкурс проводит Детская общественная организация "Лоцман" при поддержке "Движения первых" в рамках проекта "Моделирование и программирование для всех". Участвовать могут дети до 18 лет, независимо от места проживания. Участники могут представлять организацию или самих себя.
Условия конкурса дают полную свободу вашей фантазии! Вы можете представить проект на любую тему в одной из номинаций:
- Hits: 27912
The Young Reporters Contest "Welcome!" 2022
- Details
- Written by Юрий Никитин
- Category: Новости
Also available:
This year we are again holding the traditional, already fifth, competition for young journalists "Welcome!".
The basic rules remain unchanged. The circle of participants is limited only by age. You are engaged in the children's press center, you work in the editorial office of the school newspaper - welcome to the competition! You don’t study anywhere, but you think that you can tell an interesting story about an event, about a trip, about a book or a movie - you are welcome to join us! If you are going to enter the faculty of journalism and want to expand your portfolio - participation in the competition will not be superfluous. Are you a beginner blogger? Take part in the competition! The selected materials (not only the winners) will be published on the "Kid's Club" website, which is a registered media outlet.
Timing of the contest: submissions will be accepted from November 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023. Please submit your work as early as possible, do not postpone until the last days! Works submitted in November will receive two additional points, in December - one. The results of the contests will be summed up until April 20, 2023.
The age of participants up to 18 years. Age groups: 1) up to 12 years old, 2) from 13 to 15 years old, 3) 16-18 years old. To enter the contest you need to fill out an application form and send your work to email [email protected] or upload via the file upload form (below in this article).
The competition is held in four categories:
- Hits: 6359
The Young Reporters Contest "Welcome!" 2020 Begins
- Details
- Written by Юрий Никитин
- Category: Новости
Also available:
This is the article about old contest of year 2020. For actual 2022 contest please go to https://lotsman.ru/en/about-en/about-us-en/223-lotsman-news/962-the-young-reporters-contest-welcome-2022
The young reporters contest starts after one-year break!
The basic rules remain unchanged. The circle of participants is limited only by age. If you are engaged in a children's press center or work in the school newspaper editorial - you are welcome to the contest! Not engaged in anything out of that, but you believe that you can tell interesting things about some event, journey, book or movie - join the contest! If you want to expand your portfolio - participating in the contest will be helpful as well. Are you a beginner blogger? Participate in the competition! Materials that have passed the selection (not only the winners) will be published on the website "Kid's Club", which is a registered media.
The additional nomination "Citizen of the Information Society" also remains. Read more about it below.
Timing of the contest: submissions will be accepted from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Please submit your work as early as possible, do not postpone until the last days! Works submitted in October will receive two additional points, in November - one. The results of the contests will be summed up until March 10, 2021.
The age of participants up to 18 years. Age groups: 1) up to 12 years old, 2) from 13 to 15 years old, 3) 16-18 years old. To enter the contest you need to fill out an application form and send your work to email [email protected] or upload via the file upload form (below in this article).
The competition is held in four nominations:
- Hits: 8405