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preetifoodThis is my second article. Yuriy told me about how everyone over here was pretty much interested in what we do over here. The customs we have are very different, we speak different, we eat different food, but that doesn't change how we interact with others. Such as we have fun the same still think things are cool and everyone knows how to joke around. So in some ways we are the same. Here is a list of things I like that maybe or maybe not you enjoy too.

My top 10 favorite things.

Number 1: Food. I like to taste new foods and make foods. Since I was about 5 I have been cooking foods and perfecting the culinary arts. I make literally outstanding foods and am still trying to go beyond limits. (PS: my brothers (I have two) have perfected making toast in a toaster.


Number 2: TV. Because why not.

Number 3: Automobiles. I like cars, planes, trucks, bikes any way you can travel. And I love to travel even though I don't do it much.

Number 4: Family. The reason family isn't #1 is because I have never seen a perfect family. My parents split up about 2 years ago (I still seeMineCraft both weekly). Our family has ups and downs but still functions well

Number 5: Videogames. I have a record of favorites and my first is minecraft. I have Xbox, apps (on phone), PlayStation 1 and 2 and a Wii. 

Number 6: My dog. I have a picture below isn't he cute? He just wants to bite my head of (he's a puppy and plays to rough).IMG20150817141748


Number 7: Music. I love to just sit around and listen to calm music. However I also like dubstep a lot (it's my favorite kind of music).

Number 8: Friends. Friends are always cool and who doesn't have them? Even if you say you don't - you'r lying to yourself because maybe you just haven't met them yet and if you haven't you'll get them soon!

Number 9: Money. I spend too much money and I can admit it. I spend money sometimes on near useless items and lose money faster then I make it.


2014-06-19-bigstockTheLoveOfMoney302143011Number 10: Art. I love drawing , painting, sketching, crafts, woodworking, doodling and making. I love to sit down and draw (while listening to music) and I love looking at art to. Sometimes it is amazing what people can do!
